Where To Find Your Sump Pump, Test It And Know Why It Is So Important - Edmonton Commercial, Home Inspectors and Building Consultant | Admirable Inspection Services
The sump pump is a water pump located in a sump pit that is connected to the weeping tile that goes around the foundation of your home. Its purpose is to keep water away from your foundation to prevent settling and cracking and potentially collapse of the home. It is important to make sure you not only have a sump pump but know how to test to make sure it is functioning properly.
Locating And Testing Sump Pump In Your Basement
The sump pump is not a primary focus when buying a home. Location in the neighbourhood and cosmetic things like colours and appliances usually seem to be the focus. While the sump pump is not front and center in the home, it should not be ignored.
The sump pump is a water pump located in a sump pit that is connected to the weeping tile that goes around the foundation of your home. Its purpose is to keep water away from your foundation to prevent settling and cracking and potentially collapse of the home. It is important to make sure you not only have a sump pump but know how to test to make sure it is functioning properly.
Where is The Sump Pump Located?
The sump pump is usually located in the utility or mechanical room in the basement. Though it can be found in just about any area of the basement. It is normally covered with a small plastic board 12×12 inches or 30×30 cm. There should be two cords coming out from under the plastic cover and plugged into a receptacle. The two cords should be plugged into each other. Meaning the one cord plugs into the receptacle and the other cord plugs into the back of the first cord.
It is very important that the sump pump be on a dedicated circuit. Meaning there should not be any other appliances plugged into the receptacle or receptacles on the same circuit. This is important as you do not want an overloaded circuit potentially shutting of the breaker in the panel. If this happens there is a potential to cause moisture damage and flooding in your basement.
To test your sump pump it is best to remove the plastic cover. The cover is usually screwed down and you will need to remove the screws first to visually examine the sump pump and its connections. After cover is removed check the water level. Normally you want the sump pit to be less than half full. To test the sump pump simply unplug the cords from the receptacle. Then take the cord that was plugged into the back of the first cord and plug directly into the receptacle. You should hear the sump pump running at this point and the water level starting to go down.
Important: Do not run the sump pump if there is no water above the top of the sump pump!
How often should you check your sump pump?
Good question. Allstate recommends once a month if washing machine drains into it. Quarterly if no washing machine drains into sump pit.
Once the test is complete and you hear the pump running and water level go down replace the cords the way you found them originally in the receptacle.
If unsure about the condition of your sump pump or it is working or plugged into a dedicated circuit call a qualified plumber or Admirable Inspection Services to check your sump pump for you.